24 Dec 2012

Lupus worse for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Vincent, Fabien 003_34116223/12/2012, 14/12/2012 Dr Fabien Vincent, Department of Immunology, on a new study to find out why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people suffer more frequently and severely from Lupus than non-Indigenous Australians. ABC Online www.abc.net.au/speakingout/stories/s3660250.htm; NITV Sydney, 774 ABC Melbourne, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association http://ahha.asn.au/news/indigenous-australians-vulnerable-lupus.
 Visit: www.med.monash.edu.au/immunology/research/b-lymphocytes-baff-autoimm-lab.html for more information on Fabien's research.

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