17 Jan 2013

'Positive Outlook' for men with HIV

well.well.well_9117/01/2012 Tanya Millard, a PhD student in the Department of Infectious Diseases, was interviewed by JOY FM 94.9, Melbourne's gay & lesbian community radio station, on her work with HIV+ men. Tanya's research project is "The Development and Evaluation of an Online Self Management Program for Men Living with HIV," called 'Positive Outlook'. Positive Outlook is an online group intervention for men living with HIV.
The program aims to increase participants' skills, confidence and abilities to manage the psychosocial aspects of a HIV positive diagnosis with particular attention focused on developing skills for disclosure of HIV status within intimate relationships. The program is currently being evaluated using a randomised controlled trial. Two groups will be launched on 28 January 2013 and another two groups will launch late March (requiring an additional 75 participants). See www.positiveoutlook.org.au or email tanya.millard@monash.edu. JOY podcast page: www.cpod.org.au/page.php?id=91&page_style=joy.css&no_brand=1. Search 'Positive Outlook'.

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