23 Mar 2013

29 April Day of Immunology Public Lecture

2013-doiWhen immune cells go bad! Autoimmune problems, allergy and cancer. Free public lecture hosted by Day of Immunology Melbourne
  • Date & time: Monday 29 April 2013, 5:30pm-8:00pm
  • Venue: Melbourne Brain Centre (Kenneth Myer Building) Cnr Royal Parade & Genetics Lane, The University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3010
    Speakers: Dr Jason Tye-Din, WEHI; Professor Robyn O’Hehir, Monash University; Associate Professor David Ritchie, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre; Professor Trevor Kilpatrick,  The University of Melbourne.
The lectures will be introduced by Associate Professor Rosemary Ffrench, Burnet Institute, and will be followed by a Q&A session and refreshments.

Find out more about speakers and topics, and RSVP at: www.dayofimmunology.org.au or telephone 9345 2555. Seats are limited.

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