22 Mar 2013

Recent publications

  • Bourdin A, Mifsud NA, Chanez B, Chanez P, Snell G, Kotsimbos TC. Clara cells and injury post lung transplantation: an evolving story. Am J Transplant 2013 Mar 6. doi: 10.1111/ajt.12184. [Epub ahead of print].

  • Brew BJ, Gray L, Lewin S, Churchill M (2013). Is specific HIV eradication from the brain possible or needed? Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 2013 Accepted

  • Lee H, Hamilton JR. The PAR1 antagonist, SCH79797, alters platelet morphology and function independently of PARs. Thromb Haemost. 2013 Jan 8;109(1):164-7.

  • Prickett SR, Voskamp AL,Phan T, Dacumos-Hill A, Mannering SI, Rolland JM, and O’Hehir RE. Ara h 1 CD4+ T-cell epitope-based peptides: candidates for a peanut allergy therapeutic. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. Accepted for publication March 2013.

  • Vincent FB, Morand EF, Murphy K, Mackay F, Mariette X and Marcelli C. Anti-drug antibodies (ADAb) to tumour necrosis factor (TNF) - specific neutralizing agents in chronic inflammatory diseases: a real issue, a clinical perspective. Ann Rheum Dis 2012.

  • Vincent FB, Bourke P, Morand EF, Mackay F and Bossingham D. Focus on systemic lupus erythematosus in Indigenous Australians: toward a better understanding of autoimmune diseases. Intern Med J 2012 Nov 23.

  • Wilkins, Simon, et al. "Insertion/Deletion Polymorphisms in the ΔNp63 Promoter Are a Risk Factor for Bladder Exstrophy Epispadias Complex." PLoS Genetics 8.12 (2012): e1003070.
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