31 May 2013

2013 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) CCS heat will be big

3mt-niego11 PhD students from Central Clinical School will be competing in the 2013 3MT CCS heat on 17 July. The challenge is to present the topic, typically technical and complex in basic medical research, in three minutes or under, in a way that is engaging and accessible to a wider audience.
Our participants this year are: Brendan Elsworth, Kai Syin Lee, Jodie Abramovitch, Elisha Horat, Kathryn Hackman, Elyse Di Marco, Aaron McClelland, Kirk Kee, Ishant Khurana, Natasha K Tuano and Phillip Hall. See more about the competition at http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-3mt.html.

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