28 May 2013

Slowing down SLE kidney disease

kidneys-23399533Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), more simply known as lupus, is an autoimmune disease where the body makes antibodies against its own DNA. It may involve a variety of genes, follow a variety of genetic pathways, and damage a variety of cell types. In many cases, the consequence is impairment of kidney function, which is known as glomerulonephritis.
Such a ‘moving target’ is difficult to pinpoint, track and ultimately treat, as one treatment may work for one particular genetic group, but not another. The Leukocyte Signalling Laboratory headed by A/Prof Margaret Hibbs, has identified a cellular pathway whereby once production of one particular signalling molecule called p110d PI3K is slowed down, the disease processes also slowed down. See journal article.

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