31 Jul 2013

30 October Public Lecture "Beating the bloat: the FODMAP diet andIrritable Bowel Syndrome"

Gibson, Peter 8491_188514Central Clinical School's annual public lecture for 2013 is on one of the most common complaints in our community, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and how diet can be used to control the symptoms.

Lecture details

• Date: Wednesday 30 October 2013
• Time: 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm start. Lecture for 45 minutes followed by Q&A session.
• Venue: AMREP Lecture Theatre, adjacent to the BakerIDI Institute at 85 Commercial Road, Melbourne 3004, 200 metres east of the main Alfred Hospital entrance. See map.
• Cost: Free
• RSVP: CLICK HERE. Please RSVP by Friday 25 October for catering purposes (note: Food will be low FODMAP)
• Enquiries: Julia.Veitch@monash.edu ph +61 3 9903 0026; Brianna.McFarlane@monash.edu ph +61 3 9903 0526
Web: http://www.med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/education/2013-public-lecture.html

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