30 Jul 2013

Grant for PrEP project to prevent HIV developing in a high risk group

wright-edwinaA/Prof Edwina Wright, Department of Infectious Diseases, is Principal Investigator for a Victorian trial to test the effectiveness of medications in preventing the spread of HIV, e.g. from an HIV infected partner to a HIV negative partner. The trial has been awarded $320,000 by the Victorian Department of Health and Gilead will be supplying antiretroviral therapy for 100 people for 1 year. The study duration is 3 years.
The Alfred and Monash are doing this in collaboration with the Centre for Social Research in Health, The Burnet and a number of high HIV caseload general practitioners in Victoria. Monash story. 29/07/2013 'Breakfast' Radio National ABC with Fran Kelly: link.

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