2 Jul 2013

Participants sought: Does combining hypnotherapy and diet therapieshelp IBS sufferers more?

ct-peters1Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects approximately 15% of the population. While doctors are good at diagnosing IBS, they don't have a very good track record in fixing the problem. An abundance of 'cures' may well be touted in books and on the internet, but few of them have any scientific basis or have been proven to be effective.
Two common modes of treatment, however, that have been scientifically proven to relieve symptoms of IBS include the low FODMAP diet and hypnotherapy. While both the low FODMAP diet and hypnotherapy significantly reduce symptoms in the majority of IBS patients, the benefit of combining these therapies has not yet been investigated.

Individuals with IBS are invited to participate in a study investigating the benefit of applying both the low FODMAP diet and hypnotherapy individually and in combination with one another. Participants will be randomised to receive either the i) low FODMAP diet, ii) hypnotherapy, or iii) both the low FODMAP diet and hypnotherapy.

To participate or to find out more information please contact Simone Peters 03 9903 0262 or simone.peters@monash.edu

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