30 Aug 2013

Jody Jonathan Haigh joins the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases

Welcome to Associate Professor Jody Jonathan Haigh, who has just started at the ACBD within the CCS.  He is Canadian and recently moved his research group here from the Department for Molecular Biomedical Research (DMBR) in Flanders, Belgium which is affiliated with Ghent University and the VIB. 
He was a group leader/assistant professor there for nine years.  He received his undergraduate training in Life Sciences as well as MSc. degree in Biochemistry at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.  His PhD in Biochemistry followed this in the lab of Professor Erwin F. Wagner at the Research Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP) at the University of Vienna in Austria as part of their International PhD Student Program.  He then did four years of postdoctoral training in the lab of Professor Andras Nagy at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada.

Throughout his career Jody has been interested in the role of VEGF signalling in organ development and disease processes. We use and have developed novel mouse ES/iPS cell  transgenic technologies based on the Cre/loxP and rtTA-tet(o) systems to investigate gene function in the mouse. More recently our work centres on the role of transcription factors of the Zeb and Snai family in normal haematopoiesis and haematopoietic malignancies such as T-ALL and will be the main area of focus initially at the ACBD.  See more at http://www.acbd.monash.org/research/mammal-genetics.html.

Jody has moved to Melbourne with his wife Katharina (also one of his Research Assistants) and two sons Jonathan (11) and Alexander (2). Recently his lab has been joined by Dr Thao Nguen (Research Assistant) and Dr Maggie Costa (Senior Research Officer).  He says, "I am impressed by the scientific quality of the research and the friendliness of people here.  I have already attended a top quality lecture, contributed to a scientific lab meeting discussion and been invited to the pub for Belgium beers.  Not too bad for a first week at work.  I am looking forward to getting my lab operational and contributing to the scientific excellence and friendly atmosphere at the ACBD." Welcome Jody!

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