24 Sept 2013

ACBD research: Glucose regulation, diabetes and cardiovascular protection

Radio 4BC interview with Dr Anthony Dear, Australian Centre for Blood Diseases with Gary Hardgrave.  Dr Dear's research group has found some promising potential of a new glucose regulating drug which could improve the condition of arteries for diabetes sufferers, possible protection them against heart attack or stroke. Dr Dear says they have some potentially exciting results on their hands for the millions of people who suffer from type 2 diabetes because their vascular health is very poor and drugs that are available today really don't address vascular health.
The medication Dr Dear's group is looking at now is the derivative of a natural hormone that the body makes itself and it has a beneficial side effect of a potential for weight loss. The World Health Organisation has reported there is 350m worldwide living with diabetes and 90% of those are type 2. Dear anticipates that the medication could be available within two to three years.
Source: 4BC, Brisbane, Drive, Gary Hardgrave 23 Sep 2013 4:37 PM

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