30 Sept 2013

Congratulations to Immunology PhD students Maria Demaria and Eleanor Jones for IgV prizes

Maria Demaria
Eleanor Jones
Monash Department of Immunology's PhD students, Maria Demaria and Eleanor Jones, won two of the three prizes awarded for best presentation at the Immunology Group Victoria's (IgV) annual retreat, 26-27 Sept 2013.  The prizes are travel awards to attend the Australasian Society of Immunology conference in Wellington, NZ in December 2013.
Maria's topic was, "The tetraspanin CD53 regulates l-selectin expression, lymphocyte homing and inflammation". Eleanor's topic was, "Tetraspanin CD82 plays a vital role in antigen presentation and processing in dendritic cells, and influences migration in opposition to CD37". Both students are supervised by Associate Professor Mark Wright, head of the Leukocyte Membrane Protein Laboratory

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