2 Sept 2013


Chang-Yew Leow C, Gerondakis S, Spencer A.  MEK inhibitors as a chemotherapeutic intervention in multiple myeloma.  Blood Cancer J. 2013 Mar 22;3:e105.

Kalff A, Spencer A.  The t(4;14) translocation and FGFR3 overexpression in multiple myeloma: prognostic
implications and current clinical strategies.  Blood Cancer J. 2012 Sep 7;2:e89.

Lee D, Kalff A, Low M, Gangatharan S, Ho P, Bajel A, Ritchie D, Grigg A, Spencer A.  Central nervous system multiple myeloma - potential roles for intrathecal therapy and measurement of cerebrospinal fluid light chains.  Br J Haematol.  2013 Aug;162(3):371-5.

Mithraprabhu S, Khong T, Jones SS, Spencer A.  Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors as single agents induce multiple myeloma cell death principally through the inhibition of class I HDAC.  Br J Haematol. 2013 Aug;162(4):559-62.

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