1 Sept 2013

Successful AMREP ECR symposium

Approximately 80 people attended the AMREP ECR conference held last Monday 26 August. Overall the conference was very lively and fun, and the committee received great feedback on the day. Pictured L-R: Andrew Carey (Data Blitz winner), Saskia, Martin Pal and Andrew Siebel (both Question Prize winners). The full list of award winners from the AMREP ECR Conference are detailed below.

Present to your Mother/Father:
1st - Shanzana Khan (BakerIDI) - Apple iPad Mini
2nd - Neil Bailey (Monash CCS) - $200 Coles Myer Voucher

Data Blitz:
1st - Andrew Carey (BakerIDI/Monash) - Apple iPad Mini
2nd - Kerryn Moore (Burnet) - $200 Coles Myer Voucher

Free Presentation:
1st - Elisha Horat (Burnet) - Apple iPad Mini
2nd - Bethany Howard (BakerIDI/Monash) - $200 Coles Myer Voucher3rd - Megan Lim (Burnet/Monash) - Commendation award

Poster Presentation:
1st - Imala Alwis (Monash CCS) - Apple iPad Mini
2nd - Sarah Heywood (BakerIDI) - $200 Coles Myer Voucher3rd - Katherine Ververis (BakerIDI) - Double Gold Class Movie Pass4th - Maria Demaria (Monash CCS) - Double Gold Class Movie Pass

Door prize/Question prizes:
Door Prize - Bethany Howard (BakerIDI/Monash) - Apple TV
Question Prize - Andrew Siebel (BakerIDI) - Double Gold Class Movie Pass
Question Prize - Martin Pal (BakerIDI) - Double Gold Class Movie Pass

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