31 Oct 2013

"Beat the Bloat: IBS & the low FODMAP diet" 2013 CCS Public Lecture packed out

Peter Gibson in conversation
Professor Peter Gibson, HOD Gastroenterology, gave Central Clinical School's public lecture on 30 October 2013 on "Beating the Bloat: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the low FODMAP diet". The event attracted a large audience. In brief, research shows that once the low FODMAP diet is followed for a certain period, symptoms will settle down for a high proportion of people, and there can be a careful reintroduction of higher FODMAP foods to ensure good nutrition including micronutrients.
  • Sign up to receive the youtube link of the public lecture video (anticipated to be published mid November)
  • For tweets sent live from the lecture, see @twinsterv #FODMAP
  • Photo gallery
Photo: Alex Bogatyrev

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