21 Oct 2013

Lancet review: The end of AIDS:HIV infection as a chronic disease

Professor Sharon Lewin
 HIV infection is now no longer a death sentence, as antiretroviral (ART) treatment will hold the disease in check. However, the disease is not cured. ART must be taken for life as HIV is latent and may 'awaken' any time without ART. HIV-infected individuals have a higher risk of developing non-AIDS disorders, including chronic cardiovascular, kidney, liver, cancer and some neurological illnesses. Profs Steven Deeks, Sharon Lewin (HOD Department of Infectious Diseases) and Diane Havlir outline the issues in their Lancet review article.

1 comment:

  1. The end of AIDS caused by HIV perhaps. Not the end of AIDS or Idiopathic CD4 Lymphocytopenia though.


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