9 Oct 2013

Medical ethics of stroke intervention: Prof Paul Komesaroff on SBS Insight 8 Oct 2013

When a person is affected by stroke, sometimes they are too disabled to consent to medical intervention. Sometimes the best evidence for medical intervention is that there is a chance that further injury may result directly from the intervention. What are the ethics of consenting on their behalf? Or obtaining their consent if they are conscious and aware, under very trying circumstances? Professor Paul Komesaroff, an invited guest for the SBS program 'Strokes', broadcast 8 October 2013, speaks to the question.
Paul Komesaroff is Director of the Centre for Ethics in Medicine and Society, Central Clinical School, Monash University. See Jenny Brockie's questions and Paul's answer from 34:05 minutes in the online video: http://www.sbs.com.au/insight/episode/watchonline/579/Strokes. Full transcript of the SBS Insight 'Strokes' program at: http://www.sbs.com.au/insight/episode/transcript/579/Strokes

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