21 Nov 2013

CCS student's photography exhibited in London gallery

Jonathan Liew is a current CCS/BakerIDI BBiomedSc(Hons) student with a passion for photography. Three of his photos are currently being exhibited in  London at the Stephen Bartels Gallery (SBG). For photographs that are sold in this month, proceeds from SBG go toward the typhoon assistance fund through the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC UK). Pictured is a landscape shot of a Melbourne skyline, the viewer looking to the west at sunrise.
SBG's description of the photo: ""The After Glow". A perfectly balanced image and one that shows us Jonathan's depth as a landscape photographer. Not only is the image well balanced with two wonderful layers in the foreground and then topped off with the final layer of sky which on its own would have worked as an image but Liew includes the balloons in the distance which are basking in the after glow of sunshine which is bathing the city in light. There is a very subtle transition from the low sun into the blue higher up in the sky. An all round excellent photograph."

For more CCS photos see:
See a selection of CCS images using Pinterest. Please see and/or follow at http://pinterest.com/CCSMonash/central-clinical-school-monash-university/.

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