25 Nov 2013

Gavin Horrigan wins Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Exceptional Performance by Professional Staff 2013

Mr Gavin Horrigan has been awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Exceptional Performance by Professional Staff 2013, one of eight individual nominations to receive the award. Gavin is the Precinct Manager for the two large Monash schools at the Alfred campus, Central Clinical School and the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. These schools represent around one fifth of the faculty and host approximately 2,000 staff, adjuncts and postgraduate students.
Gavin started at the Alfred in January 2011. His award was made on the basis of achievements at the Alfred in respect to leadership and governance, strategic planning, business process redesign, resource management, induction and onboarding. He says, "This award is really a reflection of the talented pool of support staff we have at the Alfred. Without them, I wouldn't be receiving this award!" Gavin receives his award on 4 December. [insert link]

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