29 Nov 2013

Recent publications for Central Clinical School: 9 Oct - 4 Nov 2013

Central Clinical School list of publications notified 9 October - 4 November 2013 to the Monash Research Office. The arrangement is in alphabetical order by department, then alpha by first author within Department.
Australian Centre for Blood Diseases
Tovar-Lopez F.J., Rosengarten G., Nasabi M., Sivan V., Khoshmanesh K., Jackson S.P., Mitchell A., Nesbitt W.S. An Investigation on Platelet Transport during Thrombus Formation at Micro-Scale Stenosis PLoS ONE 8 10  e74123 
Department of Anaesthesia  & Perioperative Medicine
Ying Ge T., Konstantatos A.H., Cai Fang Z., Ying H.J., Ai Fen Y., Boyd D. A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Daily Self-Reported Pain Assessment Practice among Nurses in Mainland China Pain Med. 14 10  1468 1476
Department of Gastroenterology 
Burgell R.E., Muir J.G., Gibson P.R. Pathogenesis of Colonic Diverticulosis: Repainting the Picture Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.    
Gibson P.R., Barrett J.S., Muir J.G. Functional bowel symptoms and diet Intern. Med. J. 43 10  1067 1074
Department of Infectious Diseases 
Cashin K., Jakobsen M.R., Sterjovski J., Roche M., Ellett A., Flynn J.K., Borm K., Gouillou M., Churchill M.J., Gorry P.R. Linkages between HIV-1 specificity for CCR5 or CXCR4 and in vitro usage of alternative coreceptors during progressive HIV-1 subtype C infection Retrovirology 10 1 98 
Deeks S.G., Lewin S.R., Havlir D.V. The end of AIDS: HIV infection as a chronic disease. Lancet    
Macesic N., Chang C., I.Abbott A., Trevillyan J., Pham A., Lewin S.R. Pustular skin lesions in a patient with advanced HIV infection and pneumonia Clin. Infect. Dis. 57 8  1162 1163+1210-1211
McMahon J.H., Manoharan A., Wanke C., Mammen S., Jose H., Malini T., Kadavanu T., Jordan M.R., Elliott J.H., Lewin S.R., Mathai D. Targets for intervention to improve virological outcomes for patients receiving free antiretroviral therapy in Tamil Nadu, India AIDS Care Psychol. Socio-Med. Asp. AIDS HIV    
Wong Y., Cherk M.H., Powell A., Cicuttini F., Bailey M., Kalff V. Efficacy of yttrium-90 synovectomy across a spectrum of arthropathies in an era of improved disease modifying drugs and treatment protocols Int. J. Rheum. Dis.    
Department of Medicine 
Allen D.T., Caldwell P., Komesaroff P.A., Loh P.K., Mozer R., Sabesan S., Shaheen N., Talman P., Williams M., Grabinski O. Practical aspects of telehealth: Set-up and preparation for video consultations Intern. Med. J. 43 10  1133 1136
Falkenberg C., Ostman-Smith I., Gilljam T., Lambert G., Friberg P. Cardiac autonomic function in adolescents operated by arterial switch surgery Int. J. Cardiol. 168 3  1887 1893
Fu P., Yang Z., Bach L.A. Prohibitin-2 binding modulates insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-6 (IGFBP-6)-induced rhabdomyosarcoma cell migration J. Biol. Chem. 288 41  29890 29900
Haines I.E., Gabor Miklos G.L. Prostate-specific antigen screening trials and prostate cancer deaths: The androgen deprivation connection J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 105 20  1534 1539
O'Brien K.A., Birch S., Abbas E., Movsessian P., Hook M., Komesaroff P.A. Traditional east asian medical pulse diagnosis: A preliminary physiologic investigation J. Altern. Complement. Med. 19 10  793 798
White D.A., Fang L., Chan W., Morand E.F., Kiriazis H., Duffy S.J., Taylor A.J., Dart A.M., Du X.-J., Gao X.-M. Pro-Inflammatory Action of MIF in Acute Myocardial Infarction via Activation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells PLoS ONE 8 10  e76206 
Department of Surgery 
Cameron P.A., McDermott F., Rosenfeld J.V. Head injury prevention for bicyclists - Helmets make a difference Med. J. Aust. 199 8  522 523
Reeves F., Batty L., Pitt V., Chau M., Pattuwage L., Gruen R.L. Safety and efficacy of pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis following blunt head injury: A systematic review J. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 75 4  642 656
Sime D., Pitt V., Pattuwage L., Tee J., Liew S., Gruen R. Non-surgical interventions for the management of type 2 dens fractures: A systematic review ANZ J. Surg.    
Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre 
Cameron C., Kaplan R.A., Rossell S.L. An investigation of a novel transdiagnostic model of delusions in a group with positive schizotypal symptoms Cogn. Neuropsych.    
Naim-Feil J., Zangen A. Addiction Handb. Clin. Neurol. 116   613 630
Van Rheenen T.E., Rossell S.L. An empirical evaluation of the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery in bipolar disorder Bipolar Disord.    
Not advised re Department affiliation
Cheng D.R., Poon F., Nguyen T.T., Woodman R.J., Parker J.D. Stigma and perception of psychological distress and depression in Australian-trained medical students: Results from an inter-state medical school survey Psychiatry Res. 209 3  684 690
de Jesus D.R., Favalli G.P.d.S., Hoppenbrouwers S.S., Barr M.S., Chen R., Fitzgerald P.B., Daskalakis Z.J. Determining optimal rTMS parameters through changes in cortical inhibition Clin. Neurophysiol.    
Leahy O., Grummet J. Splash! The spontaneous rupture of a bladder diverticulum: A rare cause of an acute abdomen ANZ J. Surg. 83 10  792 793
Stephenson D.T., Jandeleit-Dahm K., Balkau B., Cohen N. Improvement in albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding Diabets Vasc. Dis. Res. 10 6  514 519

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