19 Dec 2013

Central Clinical School publications 4 Nov - 2 Dec 2013

Central Clinical School departments and centres recorded 48 publications during the period 4 November to 2 December 2013. Department publications are listed under their headings: ACBD, AIRmed, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, MAPrc, Medicine, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Surgery, and the Van Cleef Centre for Nervous Diseases. See detail below. Links go to the Scopus abstracts with full bibliographical details.

Australian Centre for Blood Diseases (ACBD)   
Herold M.J., Rohrbeck L., Lang M.J., Grumont R., Gerondakis S., Tai L., Bouillet P., Kaufmann T., Strasser A. Foxo-mediated Bim transcription is dispensable for the apoptosis of hematopoietic cells that is mediated by this BH3-only protein. EMBO Reports   

Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory medicine (AIRmed )  
Snell G.I., Levvey B.J., Paraskeva M., Oto T., Bailey M., Walker R., Westall G.P. The influence of clinical donor factors on acute rejection among lung and kidney recipients from the same multi-organ donor. Annals of Transplantation   

Snell G.I., Ivulich S., Mitchell L., Westall G.P., Levvey B. Evolution to twice daily bolus intravenous tacrolimus: Optimizing efficacy and safety of calcineurin inhibitor delivery early post lung transplant. Annals of Transplantation   

Subhi R., Ooi R., Finlayson F., Kotsimbos T., Wilson J., Lee W.R., Wale R., Warrier S.    Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in cystic fibrosis: Presentation, outcome and management in a tertiary hospital (2007-2012). ANZ Journal of Surgery   

Xu J., Walton A., Hering D., Sata Y., Schlaich M.P. Substantial blood pressure reduction with renal denervation in a drug-naïve patient intolerant to antihypertensive pharmacotherapy: a case report. Journal of Human Hypertension   

Friedman A.B., Sparrow M.P., Gibson P.R. The role of thiopurine metabolites in inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatological disorders    International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases   

Burgell R.E., Muir J.G., Gibson P.R. Pathogenesis of colonic diverticulosis: Repainting the picture. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology   
Sandborn W.J., Feagan B.G., Marano C., Zhang H., Strauss R., Johanns J., Adedokun O.J., Guzzo C., Colombel J., Reinisch W., Gibson P.R., Collins J., Jarnerot G., Rutgeerts P.    Subcutaneous Golimumab Maintains Clinical Response in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology   

Sandborn W.J., Feagan B.G., Marano C., Zhang H., Strauss R., Johanns J., Adedokun O.J., Guzzo C., Colombel J.-F., Reinisch W., Gibson P.R., Collins J., Jarnerot G., Hibi T., Rutgeerts P.    Subcutaneous Golimumab Induces Clinical Response and Remission in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology   

Vassilaros S., Tsibanis A., Tsikkinis A., Pietersz G.A., McKenzie I.F.C., Apostolopoulos V.    Up to 15-year clinical follow-up of a pilot Phase III immunotherapy study in stage II breast cancer patients using oxidized mannan-MUC1. Immunotherapy   
John L.B., Devaud C., Duong C.P.M., Yong C.S., Beavis P.A., Haynes N.M., Chow M.T., Smyth M.J., Kershaw M.H., Darcy P.K.
 Anti-PD-1 antibody therapy potently enhances the eradication of established tumors by gene-modified T cells. Clinical Cancer Research   

Hardy C.L., Lemasurier J.S., Mohamud R., Yao J., Xiang S.D., Rolland J.M., O'Hehir R.E., Plebanski M. Differential uptake of nanoparticles and microparticles by pulmonary APC subsets induces discrete immunological imprints. Journal of Immunology   

Infectious Diseases   
Deeks S.G., Lewin S.R., Havlir D.V. The end of AIDS: HIV infection as a chronic disease. The Lancet   

Purcell D.F.J., Elliott J.H., Ross A.-L., Frater J. Towards an HIV cure: Science and debate from the International AIDS Society 2013 symposium. Retrovirology   

Gardiner B.J., Wong J., Yii M., Buckenham T., Korman T.M. Streptococus pyogenes aortic aneurysm infection: Forgotten but not gone. Infectious Disease Reports   

Mao L., De Wit J., Adam P., Post J.J., Crooks L., Kidd M.R., Slavin S., Kippax S., Wright E. Australian prescribers' perspectives on ART initiation in the era of "treatment as prevention". AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV   

Parr R.L., Mills J., Harbottle A., Creed J.M., Crewdson G., Reguly B., Guimont F.S. Mitochondria, prostate cancer, and biopsy sampling error. Discovery Medicine   

Puzzo I., Cooper N.R., Cantarella S., Fitzgerald P.B., Russo R.    The effect of rTMS over the inferior parietal lobule on EEG sensorimotor reactivity differs according to self-reported traits of autism in typically developing individuals. Brain Research   

Kirkovski M., Enticott P.G., Fitzgerald P.B.    A review of the role of female gender in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders   

Cao T.T., Thomson R.H., Bailey N.W., Rogasch N.C., Segrave R.A., Maller J.J., Daskalakis Z.J., Fitzgerald P.B.    A near infra-red study of blood oxygenation changes resulting from high and low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain Stimulation   

McLachlan N.M., Phillips D.S., Rossell S.L., Wilson S.J. Auditory processing and hallucinations in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research   

Rogasch N.C., Thomson R.H., Daskalakis Z.J., Fitzgerald P.B. Short-latency artifacts associated with concurrent TMS-EEG. Brain Stimulation   

Van Rheenen T.E., Rossell S.L.    Auditory-prosodic processing in bipolar disorder; From sensory perception to emotion. Journal of Affective Disorders   

Russo R., Wallace D., Fitzgerald P.B., Cooper N.R. Perception of comfort during active and sham transcranial direct current stimulation: A double blind study. Brain Stimulation   

Gurvich C., Maller J.J., Lithgow B., Haghgooie S., Kulkarni J.    Vestibular insights into cognition and psychiatry. Brain Research   

Enticott P.G., Fitzgibbon B.M., Kennedy H.A., Arnold S.L., Elliot D., Peachey A., Zangen A., Fitzgerald P.B. A Double-blind, Randomized Trial of Deep Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Stimulation   

Ryan J., Artero S., Carriere I., Scali J., Maller J.J., Meslin C., Ritchie K., Scarabin P.-Y., Ancelin M.-L. Brain volumes in late life: gender, hormone treatment, and estrogen receptor variants. Neurobiology of Aging   

Fitzgerald P.B.    Transcranial pulsed current stimulation: A new way forward? Clinical Neurophysiology   

Burgess J.D., Arnold S.L., Fitzgibbon B.M., Fitzgerald P.B., Enticott P.G. A transcranial magnetic stimulation study of the effect of visual orientation on the putative human mirror neuron system. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   

Filia S.L., Baker A.L., Gurvich C.T., Richmond R., Kulkarni J.    The perceived risks and benefits of quitting in smokers diagnosed with severe mental illness participating in a smoking cessation intervention: Gender differences and comparison to smokers without mental illness. Drug and Alcohol Review   

Kelly V.J., Sands S.A., Harris R.S., Venegas J.G., Brown N.J., Stuart-Andrews C.R., King G.G., Thompson B.R. Respiratory system reactance is an independent determinant of asthma control. Journal of Applied Physiology   

Braun L. Migraine headache and mitochondrial nutrients: A preventative approach. Australian Journal of Pharmacy   

Braun L. Complementary medicine Fish oils and bleedinq: What's the risk? Australian Journal of Pharmacy   

Lindstrom S.J., Nagalingam V., Newnham H.H. Impact of the 2009 Melbourne heatwave on a major public hospital. Internal Medicine Journal   

Barber T.W., Yap K.S.K., Cherk M.H., Powell A., Kalff V. Comparison of positron emission tomography/CT and bremsstrahlung imaging following Y-90 radiation synovectomy. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology   

Kotagiri P., Chance S.A., Szele F.G., Esiri M.M. Subventricular zone cytoarchitecture changes in Autism. Developmental Neurobiology   

Lempert T., Olesen J., Furman J., Waterston J., Seemungal B., Carey J., Bisdorff A., Versino M., Evers S., Newman-Toker D. Vestibular migraine: Diagnostic criteria. Consensus document of the Bárány Society and the International Headache Society [Migraña vestibular: Criterios diagnósticos. Documento de consenso de la Bárány Society y la International Headache Society] Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola   

O'Brien K., Moore A., Hartley P., Dawson D. Lessons about work readiness from final year paramedic students in an Australian university. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine   

Geevasinga N., Day B., Ng K. Multifocal motor neuropathy and muscle hypertrophy. Internal Medicine Journal   

Field K., Wong H.-L., Shapiro J., Kosmider S., Tie J., Bae S., Yip D., Mckendrick J., Nott L., Desai J., Harold M., Lipton L., Stefanou G., Lim L., Parente P., Gibbs P. Developing a national database for metastatic colorectal cancer management: Perspectives and challenges. Internal Medicine Journal   

Lunke S., El-Osta A.    Applicability of Histone Deacetylase Inhibition for the Treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Neurotherapeutics   

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Read T.R.H., Huson K.L., Millar J.L., Haydon A., Porter I.W.T., Grulich A.E., Hocking J.S., Chen M.Y., Bradshaw C.S., Fairley C.K. Size of anal squamous cell carcinomas at diagnosis: A retrospective case series. International Journal of STD and AIDS   

Surgery Alfred Hospital   
Baxter D.S., Orrego A., Rosenfeld J.V., Mathiesen T. An audit of immunohistochemical marker patterns in meningioma. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience   

Murray A.L., Dally M., Jeffreys A., Hwang P., Anderson J.F.I. Neuropsychological outcomes of stereotactic radiotherapy for cerebral arteriovenous malformations. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience   

Marasco S.F., Sheeran F.L., Chaudhuri K., Vale M., Bailey M., Pepe S. Molecular markers of programmed cell death in donor hearts before transplantation. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation    http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84886828314&partnerID=40&md5=c617c7d8cee1c793960312d05d7f9e22

Aguirre V.J., Sinha P., Zimmet A., Lee G.A., Kwa L., Rosenfeldt F. Phrenic Nerve Injury During Cardiac Surgery: Mechanisms, Management and Prevention. Heart Lung and Circulation   

Johnson N., Serpell J.W., Johnson W.R., Thomson K. Parathyroid lipoadenoma. ANZ Journal of Surgery   

Van Cleef Ctr for Nervous Diseases   
Bertram K., Sirisena D., Cowey M., Hill A., Williams D.R. Safety and efficacy of botulinum toxin in primary orthostatic tremor. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience   

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