10 Feb 2014

Dr John Morrison: Senior Business Development Manager for the Alfred Precinct

Dr John Morrison is the new Senior Business Development Manager for the Alfred Precinct, assisting both Schools (Central Clinical School and the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine). John will be able to supply valuable advice and be the point of contact for academics and researchers.
His roles include:
  •     Identifying and capturing potential funding opportunities
  •     The development of commercial opportunities
  •     Intellectual property protection advice and technology transfers
  •     Industry Engagement and Commercialisation
  •     Encourage the establishment of research groupings to apply for grants
He will be located at both Clayton and the Alfred with his Alfred desk located in the Alfred Centre, Level 6, desk 6K-03 (outside the Executive suite). His timings are flexible. Please contact John on ext 20183 or via email on John.Morrison@monash.edu to set up a meeting.

17 March presentation
John will be presenting a lecture, "Building  Partnership Relations", on 17 March 17, 2-3pm, Lecture Theatre, Level 5 Alfred Centre. The lecture will cover the following topics:
  •     Linkage Grants
  •     NHMRC Partnership Grants
  •     CRCs
  •     Commercialisation
  •     Alliances
  •     Crowd Funding
  •     Contract Research
In the current environment, John's knowledge and expertise will be invaluable. All welcome to attend, no RSVP required.

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