28 Mar 2014

Fellowship to study medication for helping blood clotting in trauma patients

Tranexamic acid, a medi-
cation to help clotting in
trauma patients
In 2013 Professor Russell Gruen, Director of the National Trauma Research Institute, was awarded the prestigious John Mitchell Crouch Fellowship, the highest award for academic excellence from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. The funds from this award will be used by Professor Gruen and his team to further their research on coagulopathy in surgery and trauma. There are two main focuses to this work. First is understanding and addressing acute traumatic coagulopathy in severely injured patients in association with the PATCH-Trauma Study of prehospital tranexamic acid that is soon to commence.
Second is understanding the risks and improving the safety of surgery in patients on anticoagulant and antithrombotic therapy, with a view to developing safer regimens for perioperative management of warfarin and other drugs in a broad range of elective general surgical, orthopaedic, urological and other procedures in Victorian public and private hospitals.

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