30 Apr 2014

IgV presents the 2014 Immunology Master Class

The Immunology Group of Victoria (IgV) presents the 2014 Master Class, 5 May.  This forum showcases cutting-edge techniques, technologies and scientific approaches relevant to the field of Immunology and is attended by students, postdocs and lab heads alike.  The 2014 Master Class will showcase recent research from eminent immunology researchers and techniques that may be useful for Immunologists.
Research Highlights
Dr Federica Sallusto – Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Switzerland
Dr James Murphy – The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Prof Elizabeth Hartland – The University of Melbourne
A/Prof Phillip Darcy – Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Technical Showcase
A/Prof Kristen Radford – Mater Research, Queensland
Prof Rick Pearson – Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Dr Irina Caminschi – Burnet Institute
Dr Marco Herold – The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute

Date: Monday 5 May 2014
Venue: Davis Auditorium, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Cost: ASI Students/Members $22/$55
Non-ASI Students/Member $55/$66

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided
See attached flyer for Registration details

Enquiries: mjcall@wehi.edu.au or lahoud@burnet.edu.au
Payment: asi@21century.com.au

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