5 May 2014

2014 Central Clinical School Public lecture "Challenges of living well with HIV: Where to from here?"

Professor Jenny Hoy
Central Clinical School is holding its annual public lecture for 2014 on 10 July, on a viral infection that has changed our world, the Human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV). Professor Jennifer Hoy has 30 years' experience in HIV clinical research and patient care, particularly on the effect of HIV and its treatment with antiretroviral therapy on different body systems which contribute to the increased likelihood of chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. She will describe the transformation in the lives of people with HIV, how her current research is changing the way doctors help people with HIV, and outline the challenges ahead. See web page with detail & RSVP link, summary details below:

Date: Thursday 10 July
Time: 6-8 pm for the 6.30 lecture
Venue: AMREP lecture theatre
RSVP for catering: https://docs.google.com/a/monash.edu/forms/d/10MJSmtPotyTzsCj19bXRe_uPx4sfjDBJT9tfXLn6prI/viewform
 Enquiries: Julia.Veitch@monash.edu ph +61 3 9903 0026
All welcome.

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