9 Jul 2014

12 Aug 2014 Central Clinical School 3MT competition for PhD students

2013 CCS 3MT winners:
Jodie Abramovitch,  Katherine
Hackman, Kirk Kee (absent)

Central Clinical School PhD students regularly compete in the "Three Minute Thesis" competition (3MT), offered in every Australian university. The CCS 3 Minute Thesis Competition is an opportunity for HDR students to convey the relevance and importance of their research in just 3 minutes.  2014 CCS 3MT will be held on Tuesday 12 August 2014, 10-11am at Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre.  Please come along and support the participants.  All welcome. Please RSVP for catering (morning tea).  See CCS 3MT competition page for participants' profiles and other information. See video for the 2013 winner, Dr Katherine Hackman. First published 17 June 2014.

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