16 Jun 2014

Biomed Link Conference 2014: Registration is NOW OPEN!

The St. Vincent's Student Society is pleased to invite you to Biomed Link 2014: a conference for students by students, on Friday 14 November 2014. We are proud to announce that our keynote speaker for this year is Sir Gustav Nossal, a pioneering immunologist and global health leader. This event will be held at St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and is completely *FREE* for all biomedical undergraduate, Honours, Masters and PhD students.
There will be a number of prizes awarded for oral and poster presentations, and participation. Additionally, we will also hold post-conference drinks to encourage interaction between participants. So join us for the day, where you can present your work, meet fellow students, see a prominent figure in medical research and possibly win a prize! Registration and abstract submission are NOW OPEN on the following links:

Registration form: http://www.jotform.co/biomedlink/registration
Abstract Submission Form is http://www.jotform.co/biomedlink/Abstract
Guidelines are detailed on our website at http://bit.ly/biomedlink
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is 5pm on *Friday, 12 September 2014*       

We look forward to seeing you in November!

Biomed Link 2014 Organising Committee
Email: biomedlink@medstv.unimelb.edu.au

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