15 Jun 2014

Participants sought: Infant 'Colic' and maternal nutrition study

Image: Wikipedia
Volunteers with babies less than 8 weeks old are required for an infant ‘Colic’ study being conducted by the Department of Gastroenterology, Monash University. The study involves mothers consuming a well-balanced nutritious diet for 20 days (all food will be provided), keeping a food diary and a record of infant crying, fussing, sleeping, awake times for a total of 27 days, and providing 5 breast milk samples and 5 baby stool samples. All information is kept strictly confidential. If you have a ‘colicky’ baby less than 8 weeks of age and want to find out more information about this study, please contact Marina Iacovou on ph +61 3 99030392 or email marina.iacovou@monash.edu. This study has been reviewed and approved by the Monash Health and Human Research Ethics Committee.

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