8 Jul 2014

18-22 Aug 2014, Research Week: Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University

Research Week is a series of seminars and workshops aimed primarily at Early Career Researchers and Higher Degree by Research students in the Faculty. The target audience is indicated against each event below. Please register where appropriate as spaces for all events are limited. See the Faculty web page or below for the complete list of activities.

Panel Discussion (All welcome):
18 Aug,  6.00pm - 8.00pm, South 1, Building 64, Clayton Campus 
Speakers:     Mr Adam Bandt MP (Federal Member for Melbourne)
Professor Pauline Nestor (Vice Provost (Research))
Professor Ross Coppel (Senior Deputy Dean (Research))
Professor Moira O'Bryan (Deputy Head, Research. Anatomy and Developmental Biology)
To register: CLICK HERE

The Postdoc Experience (HDR students):
19 Aug, (time - afternoon approx 2hrs, venue (Clayton), speakers: TBA)

Careers Evening (HDR students):
20 Aug 6.00pm - 8.00pm, South 1, Building 64, Clayton Campus
Speakers:     TBC, 6-8 pm

Nailing Grants, Papers, Prizes and Awards (ECRs by invitation. Please contact tania.wilmann@monash.edu):
21 Aug, 9.30am – 1.30 pm, West Cellar Room, Building 10 (Campus Centre), Clayton campus
Speakers:     Dr Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt, Director, Mind Your Way
For more information: http://med.monash.edu/research/downloads/nailing-grants-flyer.pdf

Shaping your Career @ Monash
21 Aug, 2.00pm - 5.00pm, H5 Lecture Theatre, Building 11 (Menzies), Clayton
Speakers:     TBC
For more information: CLICK HERE
To register: CLICK HERE

Finding Your Funding (ECRS and HDRs):
21 Aug, 2.00pm – 2:50pm, H5 Lecture Theatre, Building 11 (Menzies), Clayton
Speakers:     Linda Dalton will speak about how to use Research Professional to identify various different types of funding available for ECR’s

Applying for Academic Promotion and Taking the Mystery out of Metrics (ECRs):
21 Aug, 3.00pm – 3.30pm, H5 Lecture Theatre, Building 11 (Menzies), Clayton 
Speakers:     Anthea Hall (Senior Advisor, Academic Promotion and Performance Development, Monash University) will outline the academic promotions process and what staff members need to do before applying for promotion. This session will particularly focus on promotion from Level A to Level B.
Tania Wilmann (Senior Administrative Officer, Academic Performance, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University) will provide a brief introduction to performance metrics, what they are and how they are used for promotion applicants.

ECR Publication Prize Awards (ECRs):
21 Aug, 4.00pm – 5.00pm, H5 Lecture Theatre, Building 11 (Menzies), Clayton 
Speakers:     Join us to hear from our six ECR Publication Prize Winners as they receive their award.

ECR Social Networking Function:
21 Aug, 5.00pm – 6.30pm, Faculty Research Office, Building 58, Clayton
Speakers:     Come and celebrate with our Publication Prize winners, mingle with other ECR’s, discuss research and everything else!
To register (for catering purposes): CLICK HERE
Faculty 3MT Final:
22 Aug, 1.00pm - 2.30pm, M3, Building 13A, Clayton Campus
Speakers:     Associate Professor Sharon Ricardo (Associate Dean, Research Degrees)
Professor Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis
For more information: CLICK HERE
To register: CLICK HERE

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