19 Aug 2014

High prebiotic, high fibre recipe: Red kidney bean and lamb tajine

Onions are very high in prebiotic fibre
The Monash University Department of Gastroenterology is researching the impact of a high prebiotic diet. This diet is designed to establish a healthy balance of gut bacteria, needed for optimal health. While the diet is essentially a high fibre diet, it emphasises the consumption of foods that are high in prebiotic fibres. Prebiotics are fibre compounds that pass through the stomach and small intestine undigested. When prebiotics arrive in the large intestine, they promote the growth and activity of resident beneficial (probiotic) bacteria. Having a healthy balance of gut bacteria may benefit digestion, the absorption of minerals and immune system function.

Trish Veitch is a qualified chef and a Masters student in the Monash University Department of Gastroenterology. Trish is researching the impact of a high prebiotic diet on gut microbiota. In this video, Trish demonstrates the preparation of a tajine with Gideon Cordover, who was featured in an ABC Catalyst two part special, "Gut Reaction", broadcast on 14 & 21 August 2014. Part 2 investigates the effect of a high prebiotic diet on various metabolic markers. The tajine is quick and easy to prepare at home, using readily available ingredients. It can be easily adapted as a vegetarian dish, and may be accompanied by side dishes featuring vegetables and salads.

For more information regarding the health benefits of a high fibre, high natural prebiotic diet, and some delicious, nutritious, high prebiotic meal ideas, see detail via the department web page:

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