22 Sept 2014

7th Annual ANZSCDB Melbourne Cell and Developmental Biology Symposium

In 2014, the Annual ANZSCDB symposium is being held in Melbourne, hosted by Monash University at the Alfred Medical Research and Education Precinct (AMREP). The symposium will showcase cutting edge cell and developmental biology research taking place in Melbourne, from both students and post-doctoral fellows, working on various aspects of cellular mechanisms, organism development, tissue/birth defects and regenerative medicine. See web page or details below.

Plenary speakers

Emma Whitelaw
Professor Emma Whitelaw
Head of Department of Genetics,
La Trobe University

Professor Jane Visvader
Joint Division Head,
Stem Cells and Cancer, WEHI


There will be monetary prizes for best talk ($250) and best poster ($150) in Student and Postdoc categories.


  • Deadline for abstracts: Wednesday, 15 October 2014
  • Date: Wednesday, 5 November 2014
  • Time: 9.00 am - 5.30 pm
  • Venue: AMREP Lecture Theatre (see map), adjacent to the BakerIDI Institute at 75 Commercial Road (Google map "A"), Melbourne 3004, 200 metres east of the main Alfred Hospital entrance.
  • Cost: Free
  • Registration and abstract submission: CLICK HERE. Please RSVP by Friday 31 October for catering purposes (morning and afternoon tea, lunch all included)
  • Enquiries: Dr Louise Cheng (louise.cheng@petermac.org), Dr Seb Dworkin (Sebastian.Dworkin@monash.edu), Dr Jan Kaslin Jan.kaslin@monash.edu
  • Flier (322 kb, pdf)
  • Follow the Twitter hashtag #MCDB7-2014

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