29 Sept 2014

Calling CCS PhD students! The 2014 symposium is around the corner...

This year the Central Clinical School postgraduate symposium is trialling a few new things. Firstly, we want to provide students with a more fun and informal setting in which to present their data. We encourage creativity so use videos, audio clips, animations, costumes, props…whatever you like! Tell us the story of your research, with great prizes available for the best oral presentations.  There will be a prize for most creative oral presentation so bust out your best mouse onesie.   

Secondly, we are creating a poster session that will allow for your information to reach a much wider audience by scheduling short poster presentations throughout the lunch break. No more standing by your poster for the whole of lunchtime waiting for someone to look at your poster – you will get to eat! There are also very generous prizes for the best posters, and best poster presentations.

Finally, we want this symposium to be enjoyable. Following the success of the ‘No-Bell Prize’ last year, we are again running this session, so nominate your supervisor to explain their research with no scientific language (nominate here: http://ow.ly/ANQfj). In addition, we are also running a new session called ‘Explain My Graph’ whereby your supervisor will have to explain another supervisor’s data without having ever seen it before. So, again, please nominate your supervisor. A door prize will also be available – the more sessions you attend, the more chances you have to win!

Get on board for the 2014 CCS postgraduate student symposium by submitting an abstract for an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or both! See below for details:

Date:Wednesday 19 November 2014
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre for oral presentations and foyer for poster presentations and refreshments.
Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, hdr.ccs@monash.edu
Registration and RSVP: http://ow.ly/ANOGd
Deadline dates:
  • Abstract submission: CoB Tuesday 7 October 2014
  • Registration for audience: CoB Friday 14 November 2014

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