17 Oct 2014

Congratulations for 2014 NHMRC project and ECR grants to Central Clinical School researchers

Congratulations to the CCS researchers who were successful in the 2014 NHMRC funding round. Five Early Career fellowships (including one Career Development Fellowship) and five project grants were awarded with an income total of approximately $5.1M. See detail below. The national success rate declined to 14.9% as fewer projects were awarded more money. Source: NHMRC 2014 Outcomes of funding rounds.

Early Career Researchers

Dr Kate Hoy, RD Wright Biomedical Career Development Fellowship
Restoring cognitive function using brain stimulation: Investigating the neurobiological and neurocognitive effects of non-invasive brain stimulation in schizophrenia
$411,768 over 4 years
Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre
Dr Eric Chow (MSHC), Public Health (Australia) Early Career Fellowship
Prevalence of Genital HPV Infection in Males Following Introduction of Universal Male HPV Vaccination
$309,436 over 4 years
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Dr Christina Chang (Infectious Diseases), Australian Clinical Research Early Career Fellowship
Understanding the establishment of HIV reservoirs and development of HIV eradication strategies
$369,436 over 4 years
Department of Infectious Diseases
Dr Tim Read (MSHC),  Public Health (Australia) Early Career Fellowship
A randomised trial of allowing men who have sex with men to have HIV and syphilis tests between clinic consultations
$369,436 over 4 years
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Dr Sashendra Senthi, Health Professional Research Early Career Fellowship
Treating metastatic melanoma with Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy and IMmune Pathway ACTivation (SABR-IMPACT
$184,718 over 3 years


Project grants

Professor Jennifer Wilkinson-Berka 
Inhibition of specific NOX isoforms as a new treatment for hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy
$823,373 over 4 years
Department of Immunology 
Associate Professor Margaret Hibbs
Targeting macrophage subtypes as a strategy for chronic inflammatory lung disease therapy
$639,794 over 3 years
Department of Immunology

Associate Professor David Curtis
Eradicating leukaemic stem cells by targeting the arginine methyltransferase PRMT5
$742,353 over 4 years
Australian Centre for Blood Diseases

Professor Paul Fitzgerald
Deep brain stimulation in the treatment of severe depression
$967,355 over 5 years
Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre

Professor Kenneth Thomson
Developing irreversible electroporation non-thermal tumor ablation for organ-confined prostate cancer treatment
$281,746 over 3 years
Department of Medicine

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