6 Nov 2014

19 Nov CCS Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium: All welcome

Marina Iacovou presenting
at the 2013 CCS symposium

Central Clinical School invites you to attend the 2014 Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium.
  • Date: Wednesday 19 November 2014 
  • Time: 10 am-3.30 pm 
  • Venue: Lecture Theatre, level 5, Alfred Centre for oral presentations and hallway for poster presentations and refreshments.
  • Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, hdr.ccs@monash.edu.
  • RSVP link
Many and varied talents will be on display. Students will explain their research, supervisors will explain difficult ideas in lay terms for the 'No-Bell' prize, and senior staff nominated by students from Burnet, BakerIDI, ACBD and Medicine will explain randomly allocated graphs for the 'Explain my graph' section. CCS PhD students will be running the program, including chairing the presentations: Ms Jodie Abramovitch (chair), Ms Kai Sin Lee, Ms Sara Mohktar, Mr Timothy Colgan and Mr Man Kit Lee, assisted by Ms Dussy Kuttner. Participants will be judged by a panel of senior academics and postdocs. Attractive monetary prizes will be given for outstanding work. For more information, please visit: http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html

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