28 Nov 2014

Congratulations to our recently completed PhD students!

Congratulations to two of our PhD students who have recently been awarded their degrees.

Aislin Meehan

Aislin's thesis was entitled "Investigating the function of natural killer cells during Immunological responses following human lung transplantation" and her supervisors were A/Prof Glen Westall, Dr Nicole Mifsud and A/Prof Tom Kotsimbos (Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory medicine).

Andris Ellims

Andris' thesis was entitled "Ventricular remodelling in cardiomyopathy - impact on ventricular physiology and cardiovascular outcomes". Andris's thesis was completed through the Department of Medicine. Andris was supervised by Associate Professor Andrew Taylor, Head of Clinical Imaging at BakerIDI.

Well done to our PhD graduates! 

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