13 Feb 2015

Welcome to Dr Anissa Jabbour, ACBD

Welcome to Dr Anissa Jabbour starting this year in the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases. Dr Jabbour completed her PhD characterising caspase inhibitors in 2005 with Dr Christine Hawkins (Melbourne University, Australia). Since then, she has undertaken three post-doctoral positions.

The first was with Dr Christine Hawkins (2005) to analyse the affect of TRAIL and known chemotherapeutics on ex vivo glioma specimens, the second with A/Professor Paul Ekert (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, 2006-2011 and Walter & Eliza Hall Institute 2011-2013) studying the regulation of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein Puma and third at the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute (in the Division of Cell Signalling and Cell Death, with Professor David Vaux) leading a small team studying the regulation of cell survival mechanisms by the cytokines Interleukin (IL)-3 and GM-CSF.

Dr Jabbour's ongoing studies are focused on the regulation of cell death and survival signalling cascades, and how these pathways are regulated in the presence or absence of cytokines particularly, Interleukin-3 (IL-3) or GM-CSF. The main focus is on how key kinase pathways and transcription factors are activated by these cytokines and how these pathways intersect in myeloid progenitor, leukaemia and the haematopoietic stem cell compartment.

Dr Jabbour's group includes a research assistant Ms Carmel Daunt and a PhD student Ms Karla Fischer.

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