1 May 2015

Participants sought: Do you have well controlled ulcerative colitis?

Image: www.medindia.net
Do you have well controlled ulcerative colitis? Want to be involved in the latest dietary research to improve current therapies for Ulcerative Colitis? We are investigating the physiological effects of ingesting a short-term, high fibre diet vs low fibre diet in the large bowel using a wireless, ingestible device.

You may be suitable to take part in this research project conducted by the Department of Gastroenterology, at Monash University & Alfred Hospital if you:

•    Are aged 18 – 75 years ;
•    Have ulcerative colitis but are currently in remission
•    Are on stable medications for > 3 months
•    Do not have any other gastrointestinal disease (e.g. Crohns’disease or have had gastrointestinal surgery)
•    Are not currently taking any antibiotics
•    Living in Melbourne, Australia

To participate or find out more information please contact Ms CK Yao
•    Phone: +61 3 9903 0270
•    Email: chu.yao@monash.edu

Ethics committee project number: 121/14
All information is kept strictly confidential.
Study link: www.med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/clin-trials/index.html

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