4 May 2015

Recent publications from Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine

The Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine (AIRmed) publications in 2015:

Abbott IJ, Papadakis G, Kaye M, Opdam H, Hutton H, Angus PW, Johnson PD, Kanellis J, Westall G, Druce J, Catton M. Laboratory identification of donor-derived coxsackievirus b3 transmission .  Am J Transplant. 2015 Feb;15(2):555-9. doi: 10.1111/ajt.12986. Epub 2015 Jan 12

Barnes S, Kotecha S, Douglass JA, Paul E, Hore-Lacey F, Stirling R, Snell GI, Westall GP.  Evolving practice: X-linked agammaglobulinemia and lung transplantation.  American Journal of Transplanation.  2015 (in press)

Berry CE, Han MK, Thompson B, Limper AH, Martinez FJ, Schwarz MI, Sciurba FC, Criner GJ, Wise RA.  Older adults with chronic lung disease report less limitation compared with younger adults with similar lung function impairment.  Annals of the American Thoracic Society.  2015;12(1):21-26.

Burge AT, Holland AE, Sherburn M, Wilson J, Cox NS, Rasekaba TM, McAleer R, Morton JM, Button BM. Prevalence and impact of urinary incontinence in men with cystic fibrosis. Physiotherapy. 2014 Nov 11. pii: S0031-9406(14)00111-4. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2014.11.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Hardy CL, King SJ, Mifsud NA, Hedger MP, Phillips DJ, Mackay F, de Kretser DM, Wilson JW, Rolland JM, O’Hehir RE. (2015)  The activin A antagonist follistatin inhibits cystic fibrosis lung inflammation and pathology.  Immunol and Cell Biol (accepted)  Open Access (in press)

Holland AE, Fiore JF Jr, Goh N, Symons K, Dowman L, Westall G, Hazard A, Glaspole I. Be honest and help me prepare for the future: What people with interstitial lung disease want from education in pulmonary rehabilitation.  Chron Respir Dis. 2015 Feb 16. pii: 1479972315571925. [Epub ahead of print]

Holland AE, Dowman LM, Hill CJ. Principles of Rehabilitation and Reactivation:  Interstitial Lung disease, Sarcoidosis and Rheumatoid Disease with Respiratory Involvement.  Respiration. 2015;89:89-00. doi:10.1159/000370126.  Epub ahead of print

Koeberl M, Kamath S, Saptarshi S, Smout M,  Rolland JM, O’Hehir RE, Lopata A. (2014) Auto-induction for high yield expression of recombinant novel isoallergen tropomyosin from King prawn (Melicertus latisulcatus) for improved diagnostics and immunotherapeutics. J Immunol Methods 2014;415:6–16. PMID:25450004

Kotsimbos T.  From the Museum: the Art of Thinking.  Part Twelve: Meta-thinking. Eur Respir J. 2015 Feb:45(2):326-7. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00450215

Krutsinger D, Reed RM, Blevins A, Puri V, De Oliveira NC, Zych B, Bolukbas S, Raemdonck DV, Snell GI, Eberlein M.  Lung transplantation from donation after cardiocirculatory death:  A systematic review and meta-analysis.  Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.  2015 (in press)

Lee AL, Button BM, Denehy L, Roberts S, Bamford T, Mu FT, Mifsud N, Stirling R, Wilson JW. Exhaled Breath Condensate Pepsin: Potential Noninvasive Test for Gastroesophageal Reflux in COPD and Bronchiectasis. Respir Care. 2015 Feb;60(2):244-250.

Naughton MT, Monteith BD, Manton DJ, Denver P, Schachter LM, O’Brien PE, Dixon JB. Shorter mandibular length predicts greater fall in AHI with weight loss. J Clin Sleep Medicine (in press)

Naughton MT. Phrenic Nervice Stimulation for Central Sleep Apnea.  Wiping Out Apnea or Whipping the Muscles?  JACC: Heart Failure 2015 (in press)

O'Halloran PD, Blackstock F, Shields N, Holland A, Iles R, Kingsley M, Bernhardt J, Lannin N, Morris ME, Taylor NF.  Motivational interviewing to increase physical activity in people with chronic health conditions:  A systematic review and meta-analysis.  Clinical Rehabilitation.  2014;28(12):1159-1171.

Otani S, Westall GP, Levvey BJ, Marasco S, Lyon S, Snell GI.  Managing central venous obstruction in cystic fibrosis recipients-lung transplant considerations. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2015;14(2):255-261.

Otani S, Levvey BJ, Westall GP, Paraskeva M, Whitford H, Williams T, McGiffin DC, Walker R, Menahem S, Snell GI. Long-Term Successful Outcomes From Kidney Transplantation After Lung and Heart-Lung Transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015;99(3):1032-1038. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2014.11.023. [Epub ahead of print]

Pallin M, Hew M, Naughton MT. Is non-invasive ventilation safe in acute severe asthma?  Respirology. 2015 Feb;20(2):251-7.

Radhakrishna N, Morton J. Burkholderia pseudomallei in cystic fibrosis and treatment complications. Respirology Case Reports March 2015 Volume 3(1) pages 1–2.

Saxena P, Zimmet AD, Snell G, Levvey B, Marasco SF, McGiffin DC.  Techniques for Lung Procurement for Transplanation Following Donation After Circulatory Death.  Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2014;19(3):380-393.

Tee W, Zubrinich C, O’Hehir R, Glaspole I.(2015)  Food allergy in adults: diagnosis and management. Medicine Today 15 ( 11 ) pp. 44 - 51

Quanjer PH, Cooper B, Ruppel GL, Swanney MP, Stocks J, Culver BH, Thompson BR.  Defining airflow obstruction.  Eur Respir J. 2015 Feb;45(2):561-2.

Valipour A, Herth FJF, Eberhardt R, Shah PL, Gupta A, Barry R, Henne E, Bandyopadhyay S, Snell G.  Design of the randomized, controlled sequential staged treatment of emphysema with upper lobe predominance (STEP-UP) study.  BMC Pulmonary Medicine.  2014;14(1), art. no. 190.

Van Gramberg JL, Bischof RJ, O’Hehir RE, de Veer MJ, Meeusen EN. (2015)  The innate response to peanut extract in ovine afferent lymph and its correlation with allergen sensitisation.  Immunol Cell Biol. 2015 Feb 10. doi: 10.1038/icb.2015.4.  (in press)

Voskamp AL, Gillman A, Symons K, Sandrini A, Rolland JM, O'Hehir RE, Douglass JA. (2015) Clinical efficacy and immunological effects of omalizumab in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015;3(2):192-199. 

Wrobel JP, Thompson BR, Stuart-Andrews CR, Kee K, Snell GI, Buckland M, Williams TJ. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation increases diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure in advanced COPD. Heart Lung. 2015 Jan-Feb;44(1):50-6. doi: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2014.10.006. Epub 2014 Nov 20.


Naughton MT. Disorders of sleep in cardiovascular disease. Handbook of Psychocardiology. Eds: Don Byrne & Marlies Alvarenga. Springer Press (in press)

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