10 Jun 2015

Research: Estradiol for women with treatment-resistant schizophrenia

Many women with schizophrenia remain symptomatic despite optimal use of current therapies. While previous studies suggest that adjunctive oestrogen therapy might be effective, large-scale clinical trials are required before clinical applications are possible. This study is the first large-scale randomized-controlled trial in women with treatment-resistant schizophrenia.  

Reference: Kulkarni, J., Gavrilidis, E., Wang, W., Worsley, R., Fitzgerald, P.B., Gurvich, C., Van Rheenen, T., Berk, M., Burger, H. Estradiol for treatment-resistant schizophrenia: A large-scale randomized-controlled trial in women of child-bearing age. Molecular Psychiatry 20, 695-702 (June 2015) | doi:10.1038/mp.2014.33

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