16 Jun 2016

Participants sought: Does memory and brain plasticity improve with non-invasive brain stimulation?

Image: M.C. Escher, 'Drawing Hands'
The Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) is currently seeking healthy right-handed adult participants aged between 18-60 years to take part in a study investigating the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on improving memory and brain plasticity. The study involves the use of a new form of non-invasive brain stimulation known as ‘High Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) which is a painless, safe, and non-invasive means of stimulating nerve cells in the brain. Brain activity will be recoded using TMS and EEG and memory will be studied via neuropsychological tests.

Participants would be required to attend the MAPrc (located on St Kilda Road, Melbourne) for three separate 3-hour testing sessions. Potential participants will be screened prior to their involvement in the study to ensure that they are eligible to take part. Participants will be reimbursed for their travel costs ($30 per session).

Contact details:
Mr Aron Hill

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