27 Jul 2015

Publication: The unique symptom profile of perimenopausal depression

Perimenopause is associated with increased depression symptoms in women. Symptoms at this time are thought to be qualitatively different from those in childbearing years. This research investigated whether depressive symptoms during perimenopause can be distinguished from those in the childbearing years.

Symptoms of depression during perimenopause were found to present as subtly different to that seen during the childbearing years, with increased anger, reduced sleep quality, and increased fatigue that was independent of sleep quality. The researchers conclude that there is unique presentation of perimenopausal depression which identifies targets for intervention and different treatment options.

Reference: Gibbs Z, Lee S and Kulkarni J. The unique symptom profile of perimenopausal depression. Clinical Psychologist, 19(2), pp.76–84, July 2015

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