20 Aug 2015

9 Nov Early Career Researcher symposium: CCS offer to cover registration fee

Ms Sara Mokhtar presenting at the 2014 CCS graduate student symposium

The Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences will be holding their biannual Early Career Researcher (ECR) Symposium on Monday 9 November 2015 at the Caulfield campus. 

Central Clinical School is pleased to announce that we will be covering the registration fee ($50) for all CCS ECR staff who wish to attend.

The 2015 ECR Symposium is aimed at ECRs with an interest in developing and strengthening their research careers, with a particular focus on “Selling Yourself” and will feature:
  • 3 hour workshop “Small Talk and Big Gestures” by Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt from Mind Your Way.  This workshop will provide participants with practical, verbal and nonverbal tools for high impact communication.
  • Professor Phillip Darbyshire - how to promote yourself and your research.
  • Library Research Services - Research Impact and Publishing website.
  • Professor Zlatko Skrbis - ECR Initiatives being enacted by the University.
The 2015 ECR and ECR Fellow Publication Prize winners will present a brief overview of their publication in a 3 minute presentation.

Registrations will open on Monday 31 August and the event has a capacity of only 100 places in total. More information re RSVP & billing to be advised. Watch this space!

Enquiries to CCS Research Manager, email Ashleigh.Clarke@monash.edu.

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