13 Aug 2015

Dame Quentin Bryce to chair CCS public lecture on Women's Mental Health, 9 October

Dame Quentin Bryce, former Governor-
General, will be speaking at the lecture
This year, mental health is in the news almost every day, and we are fortunate to have one of Australia's premier clinician-researchers and advocates of women's mental health, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, to present on the topic of how women's mental health in particular is of concern. The public lecture will be chaired by former Governor-General, Dame Quentin Bryce, who has had a life-long interest in the subject. The event will have refreshments before and after the lecture, and there will be a Q&A session after the lecture.

To RSVP, please click here.
To find out more, see: http://med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/2015-public-lecture-kulkarni.html

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