11 Sept 2015

Professor Kit Fairley: Why sex work legislation matters to everyone. Find out more on 30 September 2015

Professor Christopher ('Kit') Fairley is Director of the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC) and Professor of Public Health at Monash University. He holds three specialist medical fellowships from the College of Physicians. He is an editor of the Journal 'Sexual Health'. His principal research interests are the public health control of sexually transmitted diseases and the effectiveness of clinical services. He holds a current NHMRC program grant, has supervised over 20 doctoral students to completion and has about 450 publications. Prof Fairley will be speaking at the forthcoming 30 Sept Translational Research symposium hosted by Central Clinical School. See detail below.
MSHC provides about 40,000 clinical consultations a year to those at high risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. The Sexual Health Department (SHD) within the Central Clinical School is the academic focus for the centre.

Prof Fairley will be speaking at the Central Clinical School's Translational Research Symposium Wednesday, 30 September 2015, on the topic of  "Why sex work legislation matters to everyone".

All welcome, see details:

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