12 Oct 2015

20 Oct Australian & New Zealand Burn Association Scientific Forum

The Australian and New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA) are holding their 39th annual scientific meeting 20-23 October 2015.

This year the focus of the one day scientific forum (held on 20 October) will be on cellular therapies and skin substitutes in the treatment of burns. The morning session will provide an overview of cell therapies (including those that could impact on burn care) and the 'bench to bedside' journey hurdles. Presenters will be experts in cell culture and tissue engineering.

The afternoon session  will start with a presentation from a representative from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, to be followed by a series of clinical investigators describing their own experience in translational laboratory work, and in establishing and running clinical trials in burn related cell derived therapies and dermal substitutes. Ms Heather Cleland and Dr Shiva Akbarzadeh, Department of Surgery, will be amongst the presenters.

The scientific forum is designed to:
  • showcase the range of experimental work being performed by ANZBA and other clinicians in the area of burn care
  • gain an overview of different strategies being pursued and possible collaborations
  • improve understanding of potential hurdles and pitfalls in developing and applying new technologies for clinical treatment
It is hoped that the opportunities for discussion and sharing of experience and knowledge will promote and enhance research in this vital area.

Conference registrants as well as day registrants are welcome to attend and contribute to the forum.

For more information and how to book visit www.anzbaasm.com

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