22 Oct 2015

National Association of Research Fellows of NHMRC: Investigator Award $1500

The National Association of Research Fellows (NARF) announces their annual award which recognizes outstanding independent health/medical/biomedical research achievements by an Australian postdoctoral researcher at an early stage of their career. The intention of the Award is to recognize such achievement and to encourage the career aspirations of young Australian investigators in health/medical/biomedical research.

The NARF Postdoctoral Award for 2015 is AUD $1500.

Selection process:
The Awardee is determined by a committee of NHMRC Fellows, based on consideration of the applicant’s: (a) CV; and (b) single best first*- or senior-authored publication.

The applicant must be:
  • Australian citizen or permanent resident (please state in application) 
  • Within first 5 years** (at August 30th, 2015) of receiving their research doctorate.
How to apply:
Applicants should forward a SINGLE PDF FILE containing (1) their SINGLE best first-authored work over the past five years, including a statement (1 page max) of its significance and its relationship to the impact of other work in their curriculum vitae and (2) their full CV, including a full list of published works (authors, title, journal details). The CV should include the date of the doctoral award, citizenship status and all academic and research achievements. Only electronic applications will be accepted (named: Surname_ NARF PD AWARD 2015), and late applications will not be considered.
Applicants should ask for two academic references to be confidentially emailed directly to the NARF Award Panel Chair, Prof Robert Medcalf, as below.

Deadline: Applications must be submitted by Friday, October 23, 2015 to:

Prof Robert Medcalf
Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University

The Awardee will be notified late October and will be officially announced at the 2015 Annual NARF Symposium on Tuesday, November 17th 2015 at the Stamford Plaza, Adelaide from 4:00pm to 5:45pm, as part of the Australian Health & Medical Research Congress (November 15-18, 2015, http://www.asmr-nsc.org.au/).

The Awardee will be expected to give an invited presentation, ~20 min) of their work at the Symposium.
*equal first authorship papers are eligible if clearly marked as such in the published manuscript.
**or full-time equivalent. If applying in this category, please detail how your post-doctoral career is equivalent to 5 years full-time research; for example, provide details of parental/other leave taken.

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