22 Oct 2015

"What's the fuss" Medical Research Future Fund support campaign

Natasha Stott Despoja is one of the many
spokespeople for the #WTFuss campaign
The Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI) has launched its  'What's the Fuss?' campaign in support of the Federal Government's Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

Two Hudson Institute researchers, Professor Alan Trounson and Dr Morag Young, feature in a YouTube video, which you can watch below.

'What's the Fuss?' is a community-led TV and online campaign featuring patients, researchers, and high-profile advocates of medical research. It communicates to the broader community the critical role medical research plays in the health of all Australians, and how the MRFF will further enhance these benefits.

The campaign includes a 30 second TV commercial, online videos, and a website (www.whatsthefuss.org.au) where people can share their own stories of disease/medical research.

30 second advertisment: https://youtu.be/dpFNPPeLk84
Researchers video: https://youtu.be/isN5A-WWTeg
Various medical conditions video: https://youtu.be/ue5bRGwq6CE
Hashtag: #WTFuss

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