4 Nov 2015

Congratulations to Dr Mutsa Madondo on his recent PhD award!

Congratulations to Dr Mutsa Madondo who graduated Friday 30 October 2015. His thesis title is "Immunomodulatory effects of cyclophosphamide: optimising treatment for improved efficacy in patients with refractory gynaecological cancers", supervised by Prof Magdalena Plebanski, head of Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Laboratory and Dr Sue Xiang in the Department of Immunology.

Mutsa's thesis investigated the effects of cyclophosphamide (a chemotherapy drug) on the immune system of patients with gynaecological cancers. It found that the drug was able to promote activation of specific immune cells that are capable of killing tumour cells. The drug also enabled these cells to migrate towards the tumour. These findings were associated with improved patient survival and disease stability. This research also identified differences between patients that responded to treatment and those that did not, and found new targets that could potentially improve treatment outcomes for patients.

Mutsa is now a postdoctoral fellow in Prof Plebanski's lab continuing to work on understanding immune suppression in gynaecological cancer patients.

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