13 Nov 2015

Photo of the week: CCS graduate research symposium

Sara Mokhtar presenting at the 2014 7th annual CCS graduate research symposium. See photo gallery.
Central Clinical school's annual postgraduate symposium aims to improve the visibility of students and their research projects and celebrate their achievements. Not only is there world changing research, the day also challenges our lab heads and supervisors to step out of their comfort zones and take part in some nail biting fun. Come along to see the faces behind the future of medical research and for a bit of comedy in between!

Date: Wednesday 18 November 2015
Time: 10 am—3 pm (morning tea and lunch provided)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Alfred Centre
Enquiries: Laisa Tigarea, email: hdr.ccs@monash.edu
RSVP to attend: (Closes 16 November) http://goo.gl/forms/RnQ9DP3KCe
Special segments:
  • “Explain my graph": Check out your supervisor explaining someone else’s research on the spot!
  • "No-Bell” Prize: See your supervisor explain their research with NO technical language.
See more: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/hdr-symposium.html

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