15 Dec 2015

Congratulations to Susan Lee, CCS BMedSc(Hons) 2015 dux!

Susan Lee, 2015 BMedSc(Hons) dux
at Central Clinical School
Congratulations to Susan Lee, who was the highest performing BMedSc(Hons) student for CCS in 2015. Well done Susan!

Susan's supervisor was Dr Rebecca Segrave, Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre. Her research project was "Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: The influence of gender and endogenous oestrogen".

Prof Jenny Hoy, BMedSc(Hons) coordinator at the Alfred, said all of the 2015 students did extremely well. She said, "It's a pleasure to mentor such highly motivated students. Healthcare in Australia has a very bright future with such diligent and able students coming through!"
2015 Central Clinical School Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) students:
L-R Back row: Frank Gao, Fei Bing, Gabrielle Freedman, Evelyn Bian, Jacqueline Bell, Storm Holwill, Victoria Berquist, William MacDonald.
L-R Middle row: Yasar Zirek, Susan Lee, Karin Utami, Diar Rudiatmoko, Angela Sarumpaet.
L-R Front row: Angus Brown, Rebecca Lewis, Lucinda Miller.
Absent: Lia Amanda, Prasanna Bhaskaran, Bridget Pianta, Nahkita Wolfe (SPHPM), Hui Yeoh

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